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विद्युत ट्रांसफार्मर

फर्नेस ड्यूटी ट्रांसफार्मर

We are distinguished in rendering a wide array of Furnace Duty Transformer. It is installed in a wider space to operate in a reliable manner. In addition to this, provided transformer is basically used to step down the voltage between the required volt. It is useful to reduces the home voltage inside the furnace. Furnace Duty Transformer is suitable in the electric power applications. It is able to provide a pilot light source and saturable reactor.ï

वितरण ट्रांसफार्मर

With a well development and innovative techniques, we are providing a unique series of Distribution Transformer. It is cherished by clients for its high strength, resistant to heat and water. This transformer is used to render a final voltage transformation in the electric power system. Distribution Transformer is highly efficient and utilized in a convenient manner. It is helpful to reduce the voltage and number of turns required. It aids to make the wind much easier and cheaper.ï

पावर ट्रांसफॉर्मर

We have been occupied in providing a wide array of Power Transformer. It is ideally used to transfer the electrical energy between the generator. This transformer is power coated with steel material and modern techniques. It is well known for its also useful for the interface step up and down the voltage system. Power Transformer is executed with the proper directions and observations of our talented experts. It is operated automatically with minimum efforts.

इन्वर्टर ड्यूटी ट्रांसफार्मर

Being a client centric firm, we are rendering a comprehensive arrangement of Inverter Duty Transformer. It is used for small power conversion. It is easy to installed and dismantle without any hassle. अधिकover, provided transformer is useful to get a desired voltage level. Inverter Duty Transformer also protect the UPS from loading disruptions. It ensures a robust material which does not break down or separated quickly. It can be obtained from us at nominal rates.

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